About me

Wife: one (Zoe--lovely)

Children: three (Isla, Nelly, Lucia--all horrible)

Rabbits: two (both quite nice)

Dogs: two (one very vicious and evil tempered, the other hyper but well meaning)

Interests: I'm a very boring person. I just do philosophy.

Education: I did my PhD at the University of Arizona. Before that I did a MSc in philosophy at the University of Canterbury. Before that I did an abortive MSc in Computer Science and Psychology at the University of Auckland. And before that, far back in the dimly remembered past, I did a BSc in microbiology at the University of Canterbury and a Diploma of Computer Science at the University of Auckland.

Other things I've done: I travelled a lot at one point, mostly in Africa and India. For a few years I spent a lot of time working as a wildlife warden with endangered bird species in New Zealand.

Nationality: New Zealander. I grew up on a sheep and cattle farm in Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, where I learnt what hard physical work is, and that I'd rather not do too much of it.